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Known issues.
How do your version numbers work?
How do I download?
How do I install?
I have more than 9 networks, and I'm having problems.
I've found a problem with the software, how do I get help?
I have multiple wireless cards, how do I get this working?
Where is the man page?

Known issues, with version 2.0rc1:
We known there are problems if you have multiple wireless cards. We are working on a fix and hope to have it resolved (or atleast a quick fix) with version 2.0rc2. This can be resolved by editing the script and manually setting your wireless device. For example, lets say you have a built in device called 'eth1' and an external card that's 'wlan0'. If you open bpws in a text editer (like kate or pico) you look for this command:
wifidev=`/sbin/iwconfig 2> /dev/null | grep ESSID | awk '{print $1}'`
simply rem it out (put a '#' in front of it) and put in wifidev="wlan0" or wifidev="et" a and save the script.
The downside to doing this is if you change between the 2 cards often.

How do your version numbers work?
First of all instead of betas we do rc releases. This stands for "Release Canidate". Think of it like a beta, but more stable. For example, bpws version 2.0rc1 is the First "Release Candidate". Version 2.0 is the full stable. Version 1.x is our first script, everything is in 1 file. The down side to this is you have to edit the script yourself and that does require close attention to detail.
Version 2.x is a fully functional script that uses an easy to understand conf file.
Version 3.x has an ncurses frontend and includes version 2.x of bpws
Version 4.x has a GTK and ncurses frontend as well as the basic script of Version 2.x.
V 1.x V 2.x V 3.x V 4.x
1 scipt x
Script with conf file x x x
Ncurses Front End x x
GTK Front End x
Currently we only have versions 1.x and 2.x as I do not known how to write in ncurses or gtk at this time (I barely can write in Bash.

How do I download?
Goto the site, and click download. Read, and get it. Easy huh?

How do I install?
Did you read the Documentation page?

I have more than 9 networks, and I'm having problems.
This is a known issue with bpws v2.0rc1. This will be resolved in my second rc release. To resolve the issue when selecting the network you wish to connect to you would type in the name you gave the network instead of the number.

I've found a problem with the software, how do I get help?
Visit our Forum.

I have multiple wireless cards, how do I get this working?
This is explained in Known Issues. Look up.

Where is the man page?
Sorry there is no man page. I don't know how to write one. I hope to have one with rc2 or rc3. Either way it will be available before the final release of BPWS 2.0

©2007 bpws - bpws Personal Wireless Script

GNU Image courtesy of GNU.org
'#!/bin/bash' ie. Bash Shell (The best damn shell)
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